Monday, October 3, 2011
SFN This weekend, October (7) 8, 9 2011
Same as year the before and the year before that.
Most will opt to campout on Mingus Mountain on Friday night and meet up on Saturday at the Beaver St Brewery parking lot (across form Macy's). Usually leaves around noon, sometimes sooner, sometimes later.
Carne/Pollo Asada and beer provided Saturday night.
Bring your ass (and parka) if you're up for some fall colors and camping in 32 degree-ish weather.
If you don't know what to expect, read about the ride in the archived posts.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
and cut....
-Tharon & Andrea
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
SFN Flagstaff Scooter Rally-2010 Itinerary
Something for Nothing is put on by independent scooterists and we don't offer registrations or rally packs. All you need to do is show up, ride through amazing scenery, camp, and enjoy the company of others. It's practically free so why wouldn't you want to come.
(Times are subject to change)
Oct 1st - 3rd, 2010
Friday the 1st. 9:00pm.
Fridays are pretty mellow since a lot of people come into town late or camp on Mingus. High on Fire is playing at the Orpheum and I know a lot of people want to hit that show up so feel free to wander as you please. First Friday Art Walk is also happening downtown starting at 6pm and going til 9:00pm, fill up on free food and drinks.
Hotels/motels in the downtown area:
Monte Vista Hotel
Weatherford Hotel
those can be kind of pricey, so here are some other options near the area:
View Larger Map
There is also the option, for those that are on a budget or just like to be outdoors, to camp at the group camp site above Jerome. There is usually a group of scooterists that do this. On Saturday morning they depart the campsite and ride from Jerome straight to Flagstaff and meet up with us there. If you are interested in doing this and need any info or a contact, you can email me.
Saturday the 2nd. 9-11am
Gather at the Beaver Street Brewery Parking Lot. (S. Beaver St.)
Note, Beaver St. is down to one lane due to construction, but we'll be there. Get coffee, breakfast, etc. There will be several support vehicles driving to the site where you can load your gear for the campout.
This is a mellow, laid back ride, so we'll wait for you.
The ride starts through Ponderosa Pine Forests,

You'll catch Sedona's red rock vistas

Total mileage for this route is about 80 miles.
Set up camp and party the night away. There will be carne asada and a veggie option with all the fixings and beer and the campsite or you can bring your own.
Sunday the 3rd. The AM
Get sorted, pack up your business head to Jerome for breakfast. The usual stop is Mile High Grill and Inn. The group usually departs Jerome around 11:00-12:00 down the hill. We get back into Flagstaff no later than 2:00pm.
For more information you can get a hold of Tharon: 928.699.1528
or email bulletproofideas(at)
Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
It's still Something for Nothing, although we're always looking to unofficially change the name. We were in the "Something (f)or Nothing" phase, but thanks to our friends looks like we'll have something! Looking forward to a mellow ride, food, drinks, fun, and good weather!
Details (most likely) to follow.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Here and Gone
Everything (for the most part) went off without a hitch.
Lots of broken bikes this year though.
The weather was perfect and unseasonably warm.
I managed to get really drunk and probably obnoxious, so if I pissed you off or annoyed you, i apologize.
Despite the rumors, we are still on for next year (not sure what the dates will be but most likely 3rd or 4th week of September) and it will still be something for nothing (although Tharon and I contemplated changing the name to "Shit Ain't Free").
Thanks to all that came up and helped us out!
We'll see you in November for Fall Classic.